Total images in all categories: 42,825
Total number of hits on all images: 36,074,309
TOP 12:
On May 13, 2009
Chiraprapha L., Ph.D., Director of The AU Library presented Library Performances 2008 to the Presidents
At Assumption University, Hua Mak Campus.
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_1
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_2
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_3
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_4
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_5
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_6
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_7
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_8
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_9
The AU Library presented the library performances 2008 to the President_10
There are 10 images in category
Total images in all categories: 42,825