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TOP 12:
On August 15 - 17, 2008
Bro.Bancha Saenghiran President of Assumption University attended the 6th and Final Meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs organization
by AU and presided over by H.E. Somsak Kiatsuranondha, Minister of Culture
At Assumption Unversity, Suvarnabhumi Campus
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_365
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_366
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_367
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_368
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The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_371
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_372
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_373
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_374
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_375
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The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_377
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_378
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_379
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The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_381
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The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_384
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The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_390
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_391
The 6th and Final meeting of OIC Task Force on SMEs 2008_392
There are 456 images in category
Total images in all categories: 42,825