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On December 8, 2009
Dr. Malcolm Mcvicar, Vice Chancellor from University of Central Lancashire, USA Visit Assumption University,
Hua Mak and Suvarnabhumi Campus
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Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_5
Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_6
Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_7
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Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_9
Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_10
Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_11
Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_12
Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_13
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Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_15
Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_16
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Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_19
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Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_22
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Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_25
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Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_27
Vice Chancellor of University of Central Lancashire, USA Visited Assumption University_28
There are 28 images in category
Total images in all categories: 42,825