Total images in all categories: 42,825
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8 มกราคม 2554
ภราดา ดร.บัญชา แสงหิรัญ อธิการบดีมหาวิทยาลัยอัสสัมชัญ เป็นประธานเปิดงาน Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010
ณ Auditorium อาคาร เดอ มงฟอร์ต มหาวิทยาลัยอัสสัมชัญ วิทยาเขตหัวหมาก
จัดโดย สำนักงานบัณฑิตศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยอัสสัมชัญ
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_1
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_2
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_3
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_4
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_5
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_6
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_7
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_8
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_9
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_10
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_11
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_12
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_13
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_14
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_15
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_16
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_17
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_18
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_19
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_20
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_21
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_22
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_23
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_24
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_25
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_26
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_27
Induction Day of Graduate School of Business Semester 3/2010_28
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Total images in all categories: 42,825